General Questions

What makes this journal more special than any other journal?
This is a comprehensive system that both Julie and I have learned, researched, experienced through our practices of 50+ years combined as health practitioners in working on many bodies, wide spectrum of spiritual beings, all economic classes, and many cultures groups. Most journals asked a lot of questions to make the mind think, dig deep in the soul, or a training regimen for weight loss. We stand by in our creative and comprehensive system that is for busy people to tap in their full potential while serving their higher self, their families, and their community. This journal is called the SEASON of GROWTH? For any plant to fully grow to it’s full potential. It needs fertilizer, water, and light. We are the caretaker who will guide you how each plant bodies, habits and habitat, and mindfull tendencies needs a little love to aide the plant to it’s full potential.
Who is your audience? What group are you aiming for?

Busy people who distribute 90% of their time and energy to our present moment. All we asked is for these busy people to love themselves 10% more by giving their soul 20% and others 80%. All we asked is “Hey can you take the time to love yourself 10% more? Can you give yourself a healthy tip by nourishing your spirit? Can you be open to utilized 10% more of the the right side of the brain to balance out the  left?”. As we are moving into a faster timeline and different perspectives to what it means to take care of your health and your wealth?

How is this going to change my health? Why don't you create an app that tells me how i can take care of my body?

Sorry I am going to be blunt… So many of us are so wired  and connected to AI to tell us, what is our blood pressure, heart rate, and how many steps you have taken a day. That is great “you let the measurement of a number tell your mind how your body feels”. Where did the Almighty Intuition (something that you were born with) of knowing the body give it’s power to something outside herself/himself/themself? The real answer to this question is “If you want to live your life and write your destiny, then your heart should be the one who holds the pen to write the experiences, use the pencil to color the journey, and your heart should be the one who hold the wand to determine your ending or new beginning….what is life without quality living?… Your heart must decide do you want quality or quantity?” This journal is teaching and reaching out to people who are searching for a quality life.

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